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Why Every Municipality Should Have a Backyard Composting Program

Posted November 12, 2020

With the average landfill tipping fee rising to over $50 per ton and pickup and hauling costs rising every year, a low-cost backyard composting program just makes sense. About one-third of household waste is currently recycled, but very little of the recyclables are food scraps. In fact, 20% of all waste that goes into the landfill is food scraps.

This presents a tremendous opportunity for municipalities to save money while helping residents divert organic waste from landfills. Whether tipping fees, hauling equipment, or labor costs are tax-funded or privately billed to the homeowner, constituents can see a reduction in their annual costs, while producing nutrient-rich compost for their gardens.

Elected Officials, Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinators, and Public Works Directors could all benefit from a program facilitated by free or subsidized compost bins distributed to homeowners.

If you are reading this blog, check with your municipality to see what your elected officials are doing to save residents money through municipality-organized backyard composting programs.

Share the below video with your municipal professionals and elected officials. Visit our Municipality Composting Program page to learn more.Ā